Tuesday 19 November 2013

Victorian House Model

Victorian House Model & Scene Render.






Front Skybox Image Incorporating the Victorian House

UI, Script & Rigging

Custom UI with Photoshop and Zbrush executable buttons, along with my druid character rig. 

Custom built maya script 

Dota 2 Lone Druid Character IK/FK Switch Rig

Saturday 16 November 2013

Character Pose / Idle Ani

These are renders from character animation of the characters we used to animate. To create poses we were required to rig and skin the models.

Poses from the 4 hour animation summative

Poses from a test rig and animation

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Formative Zbrush Rock

Starting as a ZBrush sculpture, I created this rock and then re-topologized and simplified in maya.

Game Engine Rock Render 01

Game Engine Rock Render 02

Rock Diffuse Map

Starting ZBrush Sculpture

Character Summative Zbrush Models

ZBrush Sculpted Character Model from the Character Design Summative. This is the basic form that i created to be used as my druid / natural warrior character.

Orthographic Views

Front Head Sculpt

3/4 Head Sculpt

Side Head Sculpt

Sunday 22 September 2013

First ZBrush Head Model

Zbrush Sculpted Heads. Based off the character Darth Maul from Star Wars.

Side Render

3/4 Render

Front Render

Saturday 17 August 2013

Character Design Summative

For this character design summative i designed a character to a druid / natural warrior theme. I decided on creating a female character and after developing the orthographics and basic shape, i created twelve concepts of attire. From the twelve, I took what I thought were the strongest designs and refined them down to two. Then from the two, I created a final design for my character and moved into posing her. Once posed i developed on the shape and form of the body before bringing it into a 3d form.

Character Thumbnails

Chosen 4 and developed into 2

Refined the chosen two into a final design

Pose exploration and posed character

Developed Pose of the character

Final Image of the character 

LOD 1 Game Engine Render

LOD 2 Game Engine Render

LOD 3 Game Engine Render

3 LOD's in Game Engine

Character Diffuse Map

LOD's Occlusion Render

LOD's Wireframe Render

High Res Occlusion Render

Friday 21 June 2013

Dota 2 Character Weapon - Naga Siren

This character weapon design summative involved us choosing a character from within the game Dota 2 and creating a weapon it would use. I chose the Naga Siren character and developed a single handed blade inspired by the form of a stingray.

Weapon Game Engine Render 01

Weapon Game Engine Render 02

Weapon Game Engine Render 03

Weapon Render 01

Weapon Render 02

Weapon Render 03

Weapon with character render 01

Weapon with character render 02

Weapon Concept Development Sheet and Colour Variations.

Final Weapon Concept

Monday 20 May 2013

Games Weapon Summative.

This project involved creating and concepting a weapon. I based mine on a flamethrower that fires plasma forming into a ball.

Weapon in Game Engine

Weapon Render 01

Weapon Render 02

Weapon Render 03

Weapon Render 04

Weapon Render 05

Weapon Colour Schemes

Weapon Diffuse Concept

Weapon Orthographic Side and Top

Weapon Diffuse Map

Final Weapon Concept